Thursday, 4 October 2012

Year 2!


  Year 2!!!##

Well here i am in the 2nd year! Right now the emotions are high, i already have the the first few projects to complete and have had so long off will take me a few days to get back into everything! i decided to go travelling for the summer which seemed like a good idea at the time but now I'm struggling to remember anything on 3ds! Anyway i had an amazing summer in sunny Europe topping up the tan and taking plenty of photo's! I actually stumbled across some amazing architecture in Croatia as literately none of the houses are the same, everyone is unique which is far from what we have in the UK. I had so many ideas for environments for levels, the use of colour in Europe is used so much more.

So our first Game Production project is to model and texture a trash box with rubbish, i have been doing some research and taking photos around town and finding random things people would throw away. I think i will try and add a PG tips box, cereal box and a banana skin into mine as they seem like the fairly generic thing to see in trash. The brief sets a fairly realistic scene so i think ill stick to what i see out in public and add a few personal touches. General modelling of the project shouldn't be a problem, although the texture of the bin bags does look like it could be a little tricky. I think spec maps and lighting will be vital in making this look aesthetically pleasing and realistic!

This picture gives you the general idea but a bit too much for what I'm modelling. Mine will be about 4 bin bags a few box's and some cardboard. I think i should include a brick background and pavement to make it look a bit more real to life. I have 3 weeks to complete this project so hopefully it will be looking like a good bit of trash!!
I'm exited starting the second year and looking forward to the group projects! I will be working alot harder this year as it all counts from now on! I also attended an interesting demo given by mike about a few characters from games and how they were put together. A very useful talk gives a good understanding of how to be the most efficient you can be and how useful all the maps are because they produce such a good finish to the final!


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